Wound healing in nude mice: A study on the regulatory role of lymphocytes in fibroplasia

Adrian Barbul, Toby Shawe, Steven M. Rotter, Jonathan E. Efron, Hannah L. Wasserkrug, Samy B. Badawy

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82 Scopus citations


In order to understand the role of T cells in postinjury fibroplasia, we have studied wound healing in congenitally athymic nude mice that lack a normally developed T cell system. Healing of incisional wounds, as assessed by wound breaking strength, was significantly stronger in nude mice compared with normal thymus-bearing animals. This was accompanied by a marked increase in the amount of reparative collagen synthesized at the wound site, as assessed by the hydroxyproline content of subcutaneously implanted sponges. Because nude mice have some extrathymic T cell maturation, we used an anti-Thy-1.2 (30H12) monoclonal antibody to selectively deplete T cells in vivo. Although such treatments impaired wound healing in normal mice, they had no effect on any wound healing parameter in nude mice. In a separate experiment, T cell reconstitution of nude mice, sufficient to significantly enhance in vivo delayed hypersensitivity responses, led to a decrease in both wound breaking strength and hydroxyproline deposition in subcutaneously implanted polyvinyl sponges. The data suggest that T cells play a dual role in wound healing: an early stimulatory role on macrophages, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts, and a late counterregulatory role, which may be responsible for the orderly completion of wound repair.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)764-769
Number of pages6
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 1989
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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