The role of blood osmolality and volume in regulating vasopressin secretion in the rat

F. L. Dunn, T. J. Brennan, A. E. Nelson, G. L. Robertson

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562 Scopus citations


A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay for plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) was used to study the effects of blood osmolality and volume in regulating AVP secretion in unanesthetized rats. Under basal conditions, plasma AVP and osmolality were relatively constant, averaging 2.3±0.9 (SD) pg/ml and 294±1.4 mosmol/kg, respectively. Fluid restriction, which increased osmolality and decreased volume, resulted in a progressive rise in plasma AVP to about 10 times basal levels after 96 hr. A 2-3 fold increase in plasma AVP occurred as early as 12 hr when osmolality and volume had each changed by less than 2%. Intraperitoneal injections of hypertonic saline, which had no effect on blood volume, also produced a rise in plasma AVP that was linearly correlated with the rise in osmolality (r>0.9) and quantitatively similar to that found during fluid restriction (plasma AVP increased 2-4 fold with each 1% increase in osmolality). Intraperitoneal injection of polyethylene glycol, which decreased blood volume without altering osmolality, also increased plasma AVP but this response followed an exponential pattern and did not become significant until volume had decreased by 8% or more. At these levels of hypovolemia, the osmoregulatory system continued to function but showed a lower threshold and increased sensitivity to osmotic stimulation. It is concluded that AVP secretion is regulated principally by blood osmolality but that the responsiveness of this mechanism may be significantly altered by modest changes in blood volume.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3212-3219
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Clinical Investigation
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1973

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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