The MBO2/FAP58 heterodimer stabilizes assembly of inner arm dynein b and reveals axoneme asymmetries involved in ciliary waveform

Gang Fu, Katherine Augspurger, Jason Sakizadeh, Jaimee Reck, Raqual Bower, Douglas Tritschler, Long Gui, Daniela Nicastro, Mary E. Porter

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Cilia generate three-dimensional waveforms required for cell motility and transport of fluid, mucus, and particles over the cell surface. This movement is driven by multiple dynein motors attached to nine outer doublet microtubules that form the axoneme. The outer and inner arm dyneins are organized into 96-nm repeats tandemly arrayed along the length of the doublets. Motility is regulated in part by projections from the two central pair microtubules that contact radial spokes located near the base of the inner dynein arms in each repeat. Although much is known about the structures and protein complexes within the axoneme, many questions remain about the regulatory mechanisms that allow the cilia to modify their waveforms in response to internal or external stimuli. Here, we used Chlamydomonas mbo (move backwards only) mutants with altered waveforms to identify at least two conserved proteins, MBO2/CCDC146 and FAP58/CCDC147, that form part of a L-shaped structure that varies between doublet microtubules. Comparative proteomics identified additional missing proteins that are altered in other motility mutants, revealing overlapping protein defects. Cryo-electron tomography and epitope tagging revealed that the L-shaped, MBO2/FAP58 structure interconnects inner dynein arms with multiple regulatory complexes, consistent with its function in modifying the ciliary waveform.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)ar72
JournalMolecular biology of the cell
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Molecular Biology
  • Cell Biology


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