Organism and Microbiome Analysis: Techniques and Implications for Chronic Rhinosinusitis

Ashleigh A. Halderman, Andrew P. Lane

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Modern advances in DNA sequencing have allowed for the development of culture-independent techniques with application to infectious and inflammatory conditions, such as rhinosinusitis. Although paradigm-changing discoveries have resulted from molecular microbiologic methods for a number of diseases, insights provided into the role of bacteria in chronic rhinosinusitis have yet to be fully understood to the point of impacting clinical diagnosis and management. As culture-independent techniques continue to evolve and become more refined, it is likely that a better understanding will emerge of how the microbiome influences chronic rhinosinusitis pathogenesis and response to therapy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)521-532
Number of pages12
JournalOtolaryngologic Clinics of North America
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2017


  • Chronic rhinosinusitis
  • Metagenome
  • Microbiota
  • RNA, Ribosomal, 16S
  • Sequence analysis, DNA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Otorhinolaryngology


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