Imaging Findings of Complications After Lateral Extra-Articular Tenodesis of the Knee: A Current Concepts Review

Danielle C. Marshall, Flavio D. Silva, Brandon T. Goldenberg, Daniel Quintero, Michael G. Baraga, Jean Jose

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Background: Despite successful anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, many patients continue to experience persistent anterolateral rotatory instability. Lateral extra-articular tenodesis (LET) is used to address this instability by harvesting a portion of the iliotibial band, passing it underneath the fibular collateral ligament, and attaching it just proximal and posterior to the lateral femoral epicondyle. Based on the most recent clinical evidence, the addition of LET to ACL reconstruction improves clinical outcomes, which has led to an increase in the use of this technique. Purpose: To provide an overview of the postoperative complications of the LET procedure and their associated imaging findings, with a focus on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Study Design: Narrative review. Methods: In this scoping review, the authors reviewed available radiographic, computed tomography, and MRI scans of patients who experienced postoperative complications after ACL reconstruction with LET, in which the complication was determined to be from the LET procedure. Images were reviewed and subsequently described by an on-staff musculoskeletal radiologist. Results: The authors found 9 different complications associated with LET: graft failure, hematoma, infection, chronic pain, tunnel convergence, fixation device migration, muscular hernia, peroneal nerve palsy, and knee stiffness. They supplemented these findings with radiographic evidence from 6 patients. Conclusion: As extra-articular reconstruction techniques including LET become more popular among orthopaedic surgeons, it is important that radiologists and surgeons be adept at recognizing the normal imaging findings of LET and associated complications.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalOrthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • LET
  • MRI
  • anterolateral rotatory instability
  • anterolateral rotatory instability
  • complications
  • lateral extra-articular tenodesis

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Orthopedics and Sports Medicine


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