The zones of adherence: Role in minimizing and preventing contour deformities in liposuction

R. J. Rohrich, P. D. Smith, D. R. Marcantonio, J. M. Kenkel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


True body sculpting demands a three-dimensional artistic understanding of the anatomic and surgical adipose layers of the central trunk when performing circumferential liposuction. This is essential in preventing complications from both ultrasound-assisted and suction-assisted lipoplasty. The authors describe five zones of adherence that should be avoided to prevent contour deformities in the central trunk area when performing circumferential liposuction. The anatomy of the subcutaneous tissue of these five anatomic zones is reviewed and correlated radiographically with magnetic resonance imaging studies. Aesthetic and technical considerations required to properly liposculpt the central trunk are demonstrated by case analysis of primary and secondary liposuction patients. These cases also delineate how to prevent and/or minimize deformities after liposuction.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1562-1569
Number of pages8
JournalPlastic and reconstructive surgery
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Surgery


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