Molecular Insights Into the Causes of Human Thymic Hypoplasia With Animal Models

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


22q11.2 deletion syndrome (DiGeorge), CHARGE syndrome, Nude/SCID and otofaciocervical syndrome type 2 (OTFCS2) are distinct clinical conditions in humans that can result in hypoplasia and occasionally, aplasia of the thymus. Thymic hypoplasia/aplasia is first suggested by absence or significantly reduced numbers of recent thymic emigrants, revealed in standard-of-care newborn screens for T cell receptor excision circles (TRECs). Subsequent clinical assessments will often indicate whether genetic mutations are causal to the low T cell output from the thymus. However, the molecular mechanisms leading to the thymic hypoplasia/aplasia in diverse human syndromes are not fully understood, partly because the problems of the thymus originate during embryogenesis. Rodent and Zebrafish models of these clinical syndromes have been used to better define the underlying basis of the clinical presentations. Results from these animal models are uncovering contributions of different cell types in the specification, differentiation, and expansion of the thymus. Cell populations such as epithelial cells, mesenchymal cells, endothelial cells, and thymocytes are variably affected depending on the human syndrome responsible for the thymic hypoplasia. In the current review, findings from the diverse animal models will be described in relation to the clinical phenotypes. Importantly, these results are suggesting new strategies for regenerating thymic tissue in patients with distinct congenital disorders.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number830
JournalFrontiers in immunology
StatePublished - May 5 2020


  • 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
  • CHD7
  • FOXN1
  • PAX1
  • TECs
  • mesenchymal cells
  • thymic hypoplasia
  • thymus development

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Immunology and Allergy
  • Immunology


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