Examining Veterans’ Preferences for How to Deliver Couples-Based Treatments for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Home-Based Telehealth or In-Person?

Stephanie Y. Wells, Kayla Knopp, Gabriella T. Ponzini, Shannon M. Kehle-Forbes, Rosalba M. Gomez, Leslie A. Morland, Eric Dedert, George L. Jackson, Kathleen M. Grubbs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Understanding the modality by which veterans prefer to receive couples-based posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment (i.e., home-based telehealth, in-person) may increase engagement in PTSD psychotherapy. This study aimed to understand veterans’ preferred modality for couples-based PTSD treatments, individual factors associated with preference, and reasons for their preference. One hundred sixty-six veterans completed a baseline assessment as part of a clinical trial. Measures included a closed- and open-ended treatment preference questionnaire, as well as demographics, clinical symptoms, functioning, and relational measures, such as relationship satisfaction. Descriptive statistics and correlations examined factors associated with preference. An open-ended question querying veterans’ reasons for their preferred modality was coded to identify themes. Though veterans as a group had no clear modality preference (51% preferring home-based telehealth and 49% preferring in-person treatment), veterans consistently expressed high levels of preference strength in the modality they chose. The presence of children in the home was associated with stronger preference for home-based telehealth. Veterans who preferred in-person care found it to be more credible and had more positive treatment expectancies. Veterans who preferred home-based telehealth believed it was flexible and increased access to care. For both preference groups, veterans’ preferred modality was viewed as facilitating interpersonal relations and being more comfortable than the alternative modality. Veterans expressed strong preference for receiving their desired treatment modality for couples-based PTSD treatment. Results suggest that it is important to offer multiple treatment delivery options in couples-based PTSD treatment and matching couples to their preferred modality supports individualized, patient-centered care.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalPsychological Services
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • couples therapy
  • posttraumatic stress disorder
  • preferences
  • telehealth
  • veterans

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Applied Psychology


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