Tissue Management (Simmons Cancer Center)

Equipment/facility: Facility

    Equipments Details


    This shared resource provides specimen procurement and ancillary services to UT Southwestern Medical Center investigators. The Tissue Management resource includes five labs with an extensive collection of equipment to facilitate tissue-based research.

    DNA and RNA fractions are routinely isolated from fresh samples for use in the molecular analysis of cancer pathogenesis. Laser capture microdissection of tissue sections is offered for investigators wishing to isolate specific cells within a tissue sample for further analysis.

    This resource also offers services for the construction of tissue micro-array in which as many as 825 samples can be arrayed on a single microscope slide for immuno-histochemical analysis of protein expression across a large sampling of tumor and normal tissue.

    Samples available to researchers include over 6,000 specimens. Departments involved to date include Breast Oncology, Gastroenterology, Hematology Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Urology, Ob/Gyn Oncology, and Transplant and Autopsy Services.

    Investigators can access these resources online through the Biomaterial Tracking and Management application in order to view the samples currently available in the tissue bank, to order samples, to track the status of their orders, and to obtain the clinical, pathological and demographic data associated with their samples.


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