Genomics Core (Immunology Dept)

Equipment/facility: Facility

    Equipments Details


    The UT Southwestern Genomics Core provides access to next generation sequencing (NGS) to investigators at UT Southwestern, at other institutions in the UT System, and at additional cost to investigators outside of the UT system. This facility is equipped with Illumina sequencers, including both the HISEQ 2000 and HISEQ1000.

    The Core can receive flow cell ready samples (sequencing libraries that are prepared by the user) or perform sequencing library production for genomic libraries, RNA-SEQ applications, and small RNA (microRNA) applications. Data output routinely will provide de-multiplexing and alignment to the genome of choice using a variety of assembly and analysis programs, including CLC-Biosystems workbench, a BWA-GATK-Genotyper pipeline, a BowTie-Top Hat analysis pathway, and the Illumina ELAND DNA sequence aligner.

    Limited access to post sequence data analysis software is also available through the core, including both CLC-Biosystems (2 floating licenses available for on campus users) and the Genome Studio software packages. The core can also provide more extensive bioinformatics analysis to users for an additional charge.

    The operation of this facility is supplemented with University resources, which allows extremely low pricing for investigators within the UT System. Investigators outside of the UT system can also utilize our core, however, pricing is higher for these investigators in that the entire cost of the procedures must be recovered. Information on protocols available, pricing, and sample submission guidelines are provided in separate sections of genomics core website.


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